Advanced Swing Components (ASC Suite) are 100% Swing-based components that help you to deliver Swing
applications with professional and user-friendly interface. They are used by developers, who prefer to
create own applications as fast as possible with the guarantee of high quality and outstanding performance.
Advanced Swing Components fit all popular look and feels.
Components are continually enhanced and improved upon and new versions are released frequently to
ensure that you always have the most up-to-date and fully supported version available.
We can also implement new Swing components on request and add them to the Suite.
Extremely flexible and powerful
Easy to use
Complete documentation
Partly open source
Compatible with JDK 1.3, JDK 1.4, JDK 1.5, JDK 1.6 and JDK 1.7
Free email support for 12 months
Free updates and upgrades for 12 months
No royalty or runtime fees
Animated Swing components
JOutlookPanel - Microsoft Outlook-style component with custom renderers support
JSliderPanel - Component that allows to create sliding panels with various settings
JAnimatePanel - Component that allows to create user defined animated panels
JXPMenu - Demonstrates the usage of JAnimatePanel, with sources